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July School Holiday Program
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Program: July School Holiday 

Ages : 7 – 12 years old 

Group Size : 5 to 12 kids

Drop off:  8:45 am – 9:00 am

Pick-up : 15:00 pm or 17:00 pm

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CBD Winter School Holiday Program


8 July – Little Shakespeares

Learn about poetry, write some poems and do some creative writing workshops. Then we will have our kids’ book club.


9 July – Little Einsteins

This day we will explore science through science-based games and activities. We’ll learn some fun chemistry like reactions and we’ll create slime. This could be a very messy day, so wear suitable clothes.


10 June – Terrarium Day

Learn about plants and the environment. We’ll plant some seeds using recycled home materials.


11 July – Junior Engineers

Today, it’s all about problem solving. We’ll give you a problem and then it’s up to you to come up with the perfect solution to the problem. Can you design and build a bridge? We’ll also do some basic coding.


12 July – Learn another language

Have fun learning about another language. You’ll learn some basic Italian or Spanish by doing puzzles.



15 July – Sports Day

We’ll play table tennis, do kids’ yoga, and do some other fun sports. Dress for indoor sports.


16 July – Sustainability Day

Learn all about the earth, recycling, and the importance of taking care of the environment. We will create recycled paper, and use recycled materials for some fun crafts.


17 July – Culture Day

Learn about arts and crafts from different countries. We will have a go at origami and we’ll make our own paper dragon puppets.


18 July – Puzzle Day

We’ll have some fun with numbers and crossword puzzles and then immerse ourselves in different board games. We will also make our own snakes and ladders board.


19 July – Crafts to go back to school

The holidays are ending but the fun never stops, we will decorate pens and pencil cases, make our own pen holders and sharpeners.


9:00 – 15:00 (half-day) – $89 per child
9:00 -17:00 (full-day) – $109 per child

Pack a Healthy Lunch

Children need to bring morning tea, lunch, snacks, afternoon tea, and a refillable drink bottle. Please no nuts or eggs. When packing your child’s lunch, please consider that some children in attendance may have been diagnosed with food allergies or the risk of anaphylaxis.

What to wear

Clothing must be practical. Please send spare clothes in your child’s backpack in case of spills/accidents etc. Some activities may be messy so be prepared for dirty clothes at the end of the day. Enclosed shoes and socks only. No thongs, wheelie shoes, crocks and sandals. Children may not be able to participate in activities without suitable shoes and socks. Please label everything.

What not to bring

Children should not bring toys, mobile phones or expensive jewellery. All items brought by children are their responsibility. Children should not bring money as they will not be able to access shops.


Children need to be signed in and out each day by the parent/guardian or other person nominated. All children must have their name and the time of their arrival written down on the sign-in sheet in the morning by a parent or career. Parents must also sign their children out in the afternoon with the time and the parent’s signature. The sign-in/out sheet is located at the front desk.

In the case of other people collecting your child/ren, written authorisation for this to occur is required. This can either be done via the enrolment form or on a case by case basis in writing.

Medical Information

Prescription medication can only be administered by us with written permission from the parent/guardian on our medication form. The medication must be in the original packaging and with expiry date, and dose visible. Non-prescription medicine including herbal/ complimentary medicine and travel sickness tablets cannot be administered without a medical doctor’s letter.

Important notes

Activities will commence at 9.00 am to allow us time to prepare your children for our day out. Please arrive between 8.45 am and 9.00 am to allow time to sign your child in, say goodbye and pass on any important information.

The cut-off time for cancellations of the following day’s activity is 2.00 pm each day. Bookings that remain after this time are automatically confirmed and full fees apply regardless of the reason for non-attendance.

Vacation care is available for primary school children aged 7-12. We are here from 8.45am to 6.00pm and children are to be signed in and out during these hours (fees apply for late pickups).

Bookings can be made up to 3pm the day before if there is space available. Talk to our friendly staff at reception.

All bookings require a signed enrolment form. Bookings cannot be confirmed unless this form is completed.

Children can only be signed out by an authorised person with ID over 18 years of age, as nominated on the child’s enrolment form, collection authority or in written form.

PG movies and games are shown each afternoon from 3.00 pm to 5.00 pm, please advise if you don’t want your child to participate.

Activities require a minimum number of bookings to make it possible for the activity to go ahead. In the unlikely event that minimums are not reached, families will be advised, and alternative arrangements will be put in place.

We will also be running activities involving paint throughout the program, please advise us if you don’t want your child to participate in these.

Late Collection of a Child

At Times Academy’s discretion, additional charges may apply to families who pick up their child after the program has closed. This fee is $15 for the first 15 minutes or part thereof after closing and then an additional $30 for every subsequent 15 minutes or part thereof. We will make you aware of any charges on the day of the late collection and you will receive confirmation the next day as to whether the amount will/will not be added to the next account.