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English for Primary School Preparation

CRICOS Course Code: 095819D

This fun-filled active class teaches English through phonics, sound and movement. Students will actively participate in an energetic primary style classroom that will prepare them for life in Australian primary schools.

There is a large focus on teaching children about values and caring for themselves, their family, their classmates and the environment. Starting from the beginner level, students will learn many of the same things and key learning areas that primary schools in NSW are teaching.

With small classes led by experienced teachers who work closely to support students so that they are capable of working collaboratively in class and independently away from class, our EPSP program will provide students with all the preparation they need to enter primary school with the confidence to succeed.

Times Academy provides academic pathways that allow you to meet the English proficiency requirements for further studies.

Sample Timetable


Morning Class

9:00 – 11:45

Afternoon Class

12:30 – 15:00

Monday  English Learning & Grammar Creative Arts
Tuesday English Learning & Writing Mathematics
Wednesday English Learning & Science Games
Thursday English Learning & Spelling Geography
Friday English Learning & Listening, Speaking History

*includes 45 min lunch break and 15 min morning break

Course Duration
Full Time 25 hours / week

Course Commencement
Courses start every Monday

Entry Requirements
• Students of all English levels can join
• Sit a placement test to

determine your English level
• Students from 7-12 years of age

School Partner -EN

School Partner - CN