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Term 3 Orientation Day

Our Term 3 Orientation Day was held yesterday, the 2nd of July and students were welcomed to learn the campus and to learn more about Times Academy. It is very important to participate on Orientation Day. On this day, students can collect their student ID Cards, learn about Timetable & Classrooms, how to login on […]

Term 3 starts next Monday, 6th July 2020

Term 3 starts next Monday.👩‍💻👨‍💻 As of the July 6, 2020 all students in Childcare and Aged Care courses who are onshore, in Australia, healthy and NOT essential workers, as required to return to classes as per their student visa conditions. Any student who is unable to attend classes due to any of the above […]

TA_Winter Holiday_Mesa de trabajo 1
Enjoy the Winter Holiday

Are you ready to enjoy the Winter Holiday? Relax, take the time to rest under the blankets, enjoy the winter watching good films and series and drinking lots of hot chocolates.  We hope to see you back on the first week of July with your batteries charged and ready for term 3. 

Virtual Classes

Times Academy, while not having any cases of COVID-19, has decided to deliver Times Virtual Classes online to protect its students and staff from unnecessary contact and exposure to COVID-19. Times Academy is unique in that we have young students and adults on the same campus and this means an increased duty of care to […]

False friends and common mistakes for Spanish speakers

Yesterday we held a workshop for our Spanish speaking students who are learning English. The subject of the workshop was false friends and other common mistakes that many students make when learning English. It was a fun evening talking about the most common grammatical, phonological and contextual mistakes students make when learning a new language. […]