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Best Offer Ever

Best Offer Ever !!!πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰ If you package General English with VET courses at TA,you will get up to 12 weeks General English for FREE🎊,Limited Spaces, Hurry !!!

Term 3 Orientation Day

Our Term 3 Orientation Day was held yesterday, the 2nd of July and students were welcomed to learn the campus and to learn more about Times Academy. It is very important to participate on Orientation Day. On this day, students can collect their student ID Cards, learn about Timetable & Classrooms, how to login on […]

Term 3 starts next Monday, 6th July 2020

Term 3 starts next Monday.πŸ‘©β€πŸ’»πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» As of the July 6, 2020 all students in Childcare and Aged Care courses who are onshore, in Australia, healthy and NOT essential workers, as required to return to classes as per their student visa conditions. Any student who is unable to attend classes due to any of the above […]