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Anzac day! Lest we forget

We would like to advise that our college will be closed on Wednesday, 25th April, due to the Anzac Day. By the way, do you know what is celebrated in this day? The April 25th happens in memory and honour to the members of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC) who fought against […]

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Happy Easter!

The spirit of Easter is all about Hope, Love and Joyful living. Here is to hoping this Easter holiday brings your family health, happiness and lots of love. Happy Easter!

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Times Academy Childcare Playgroup

9.30-11.30am is the best time for the playgroup – on every Tuesdays during Times Academy Early Childhood terms. The start date will be Tuesday 10th April, 2018 Children aged 0-5 years welcome (with accompanying parent or carer) Craft activities, stories, music, movement, and lots of FUN!

Happy Chinese New Year !

Happy Chinese New Year! Wish you luck in the Year of the Dog, hope the days ahead are filled with immense joy and prosperity. Good health, good luck and much happiness throughout the year. May all your wishes come true!

Times education Brisbane new campus

Times Education is proud to announce the approval of its first Brisbane campuses.  Opening in 2018 at 316 Adelaide Street, the campuses will be a brand new modern Warwick Institute of Australia and Business Institute of Australia.  Having already received ASQA approval for our modern and purpose-designed facilities, we are eagerly anticipating our grand opening […]