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Picking the Perfect Homestay

Are you coming to Australia and want to live with a host family? Learn here how to pick one that matches with your expectations! When it comes to studying abroad, choosing the perfect accommodation is a really big deal. We all want a place where we can feel comfortable at and that meets all our […]

OSHC – A Complete Guide for Overseas Students

In Australia, when students get sick, do they really have to put too much money out of pocket? Learn everything about the Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) Many international students worry about the costs for medical treatment in Australia. Uncountable questions pop up on their minds: What if I don’t have enough money to look after […]

New Partnership: Pathway To The Charles Sturt University

A new partnership has brought good news to Times Academy’s Childcare students. Those who have successfully completed our Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care can now apply for credits for the Bachelor of Education at the Charles Sturt University. Our Diploma of Early Childhood Education and Care students definitely have reasons to celebrate. If […]

When Passion Becomes Profession

Childhood Education was Julie’s passion: she found in this profession the opportunity to travel the world, discovering new cultures and even giving her the chance to work with celebrities’ children. Do you know that feeling of being so inspired by someone’s life, that you just want to become a better version of yourself? Our students’ can […]

Times Selected As A Finalist For The PIEoneer Awards 2018

Times Academy announced as a finalist at The PIEoneer Awards, in the Progressive Education category,  for its High School Preparation Morals and Values Program   Once more, Times Academy has a reason to celebrate. Last Thursday (June 7th) we were selected as one of the 4 finalists for The PIEoneer Awards for our HSP program, […]

New Partnership with UNE
New Partnership with the University of New England

Times Academy continues to grow and prosper and announces a new partnership with the University of New England. A new partnership with the University of New England is the latest highlight of our week.  Now, the students who complete the required level at TA’s English for Academic Purposes course will be deemed as having the […]

Live and Study in Sydney
6 Reasons To Love Sydney

Live and study in Sydney: it might be for you! Love the city you live during your international study program is the first step to extract the best of this experience. Live and study in Sydney, why not? Studying overseas is not an easy decision and we know how overwhelming this process can be. There’re […]

The Artists of Education

Is teaching an Art or a Science? We might never get the answer, but something everyone agrees with is that in our lives we all had teachers who taught boring subjects and turned them into a masterpiece of knowledge. If you stop right now and analyse the learning experiences you’ve had so far, the chances […]