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6 Reasons To Love Sydney

Live and study in Sydney: it might be for you!

Love the city you live during your international study program is the first step to extract the best of this experience.

Live and Study in Sydney - The Opera House during Vivid Sydney
Sydney Opera House during Vivid Sydney

Live and study in Sydney, why not? Studying overseas is not an easy decision and we know how overwhelming this process can be. There’re so many things to take into account when it comes to giving the final verdict and the variety of attractive places, stunning cultures and beautiful people in the world are just a few of them. Well, now we’ll give you 6 reasons to fall in love with Sydney and make it your ultimate destination.

1. Job Opportunities

We know how important it is for our students to work and study while living overseas. The good news is, every day, hundreds of job positions are being offered in Sydney, and if you search properly, the chances of you getting employed are pretty high.

2. Multiculturalism

We define our Multi-Cultural Environment as being our 2nd most important aspect of living in Sydney. The city is full of people from all around the world, which also makes the locals pretty open to differences, making it easier for you to assimilate the Australian culture. Plus, if you get homesick, you can always find a community here from your country.

3. Great Weather

There’s no need to mention how amazing the Australian weather is, but Sydney’s climate has something special to be highlighted: you can enjoy the best of both high and low temperatures. If you like either to snuggle up in front of the fireplace with a cup of tea or to appreciate the outdoors in a nice hot day instead, you need to know that both scenarios are completely possible in Sydney.

4. Stunning Beaches

Sydney’s strategic location, in the southeast coast of Australia, guarantees the 3rd place on our list: the possibility of leaving work in the city centre and spending the rest of your day at a breathtaking beach makes everything more enjoyable. Oh, and this trip would take you a maximum of 30 minutes by bus

5. Free Events

Students’ life is not always easy, so if you’re struggling financially, but still want to attend different activities, open events might be the answer to your problems. Street markets, dance classes and workshops are just a few of the examples of activities that are always being offered without any cost.

6. Huge Parks

Last but not least, Sydney has plenty of awesome parks all around the city. If you love to exercise, this is a nice incentive. On the other hand, if you like eating, most of those parks have Barbecue grills to prepare a delicious meal in the company of your friends.

This cosmopolitan city has an amazing energy which will make you fall in love right away. If live and study in Sydney sounds good to you, come to Times Academy and experience the best this experience has to offer.

Useful links

Where to look for jobs
Gumtree Jobs

Free events:
What’s On

Park locations:
Destination NSW

How to get everywhere:
Transport NSW

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